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Venus & Apoll
Permanent Make-up

Elite-Top Partner-Studio of Long-Time-Liner®

In this day and age, is it still necessary to sell the benefits of permanent make-up? It’s no longer a secret that you can already wake-up with a fresh, expressive face that stares back at you in the mirror. A face with clearly defined contours and the radiance that we want to bring across to others. And all that without mascara, lipstick, eyeliner or other helpers! (Also keep in mind that some women don’t master the art of make-up with confidence).

All the while, the advantages of permanent make-ups are quite obvious:

  • A natural look 24/7 that is not perturbed by sweating, physical exercise or water. You will look perfect in any situation!
  • For women who apply make-up on a daily basis, this amounts to a lot of time saved and a lot of insecurities spared
  • If needed, permanent make-up can be used to conceal imperfections or irregularities that bother you about your lips, eyebrows or eyelids.
  • Diverse other cosmetic applications are possible to correct or touch-up areas but permanent make-up also has some medical applications.

Let us convince you of the benefits of good permanent make-up with Long-Time-Liner® at the hands of the Venus & Apoll team. With over 30 years of experience in creating aesthetically persuasive micropigmentation, we can also help you achieve a look that that will delight you.


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Permanent Make-Ups

The eyelid line

The lips


The eyebrows

The eyebrows

Eyebrows are pigmented using a technique that creates fine eyebrow hair strokes. If you are unhappy with your natural brows pigmentation can be used to correct irregularities such as an unflattering eyebrow line or eyebrows that are either too thin are too sparse.

The result will be perfectly shaped eyebrows whose contours won’t have to be re-drawn day by day with an eyebrow pencil.

The fine eyebrow strokes created during the pigmentation process guarantee a convincingly natural look.

The eyelid line

A lash enhancement or a decorative lid line will accentuate your eyes in a whole new way. They will give you a radiant and expressive look.

Permanent make-up with Long-Time-Liner® can make your eyelashes look denser – ideal for women with sparse or very short lashes.

Another advantage is that your eye make-up will never smudge again, regardless of what you do!

The lips

Who doesn’t desire full lips that are flawlessly contoured and sensuous? Permanent lip make-up with Long-Time-Liner® at Venus & Apoll can let your wish come true.

The upper and bottom lips are contoured and shaded alike. The pigmentation can optically increase lip volume, which is something that women with thin lips appreciate.

Naturally we will closely coordinate and customize our broad color palette with your particular lips and desires. We will guide you very reliably in this process since we can draw on a wealth of experience in aesthetic consultation.


A lip-light accentuates the lip with a light shadow above the so-called “Cupid’s bow”. This makes the lips look more voluminous. Small lip creases can be optically concealed by means of a lip-light. A sensible upgrade compared to full shading.


Our decision to cooperate with Long-Time-Liner® is due not least also to the convincing technology that they employ:

Long-Time-Liner® makes available supremely precise and reliable pigmentation devices that meet highest standards. And this in turn ensures highly accurate results.

And, on the other hand, the colors and pigments that Long-Time-Liner® has developed are vastly superior, based on our experience, to comparable products. This holds true for all the decisive quality categories and especially for

  • coverage
  • the brilliance of the color
  • and the stability of the colors

Moreover, the pigments are developed and produced in Germany without testing on animals.

It’s the Artist – stupid

But training and technical devices alone (or even the premium color pigments) won’t guarantee good results. Daily routine and experience is of central importance here. As with any kind of work, craftsmanship and perfection is something that evolves over years of specialization in a particular field. With, in the meantime, over 30 years of experience in micropigmentation, we can claim to have seen just about every situation before. And we know how to proceed from this point to get an optimal result.

And, last but not least, the aesthetic sensitivity and artistic instinct of the PMU artist is the “be all and end all”. Without any doubt the work on a human face, the ability to capture a face in its natural expression and accentuating – or enhancing – it in the desired way is an artistic endeavor. While this ability can be practiced with routine work, in the end, it is very much a matter of talent and a matter of personal signature.


Permanent Make-up

Permanent Make-up

Permanent Make-up

Nothing gives us greater delight than the moments in which a customer looks into the mirror to see her vision of herself confirmed. Or to see that a facial imperfection has been remedied.

The method

In Long-Time-Liner® permanent make-up, colored micro pigments are placed in the upper skin layers by means of Long-Time-Liner® micropigmentation devices. The effect lasts for several years and gradually – with the cell renewal process – fades away.

The application

Thorough guidance and an exact design placement guarantee that both the color and the end result with mesh with your vision. We only proceed with the pigmentation process once you are one-hundred percent comfortable with the design placement. Our extensive color palette allows us to fine-tune the pigmentation to your type and desired outcome.

Prices – Long-Time-Liner® Permanent Make up

  • Augenbrauen Härchen Neuzeichnung 490,00 €
  • Auffrischung bis 1 Jahr 259,00 €
  • Aufrischung bis 2 Jahre 360,00 €
  • Auffrischung bis 3 Jahre 460,00 €
Eyelid Lines
  • Wimpernkranz Verdichtung Oberlid Neuzeichnung 339,00 €
  • Verbreiterung dekorativ Aufpreis 158,00 €
  • Wimpernkranz Verdichtung Unterlid Neuzeichnung 339,00 €
  • Auffrischung bis 1 Jahr 189,00 €
  • Auffrischung bis 2 Jahre 219,00 €
  • Auffrischung bis 3 Jahre 289,00 €
  • Lippenvollschattierung Neuzeichnung 590,00 €
  • Auffrischung nach 1 Jahre 299,00 €
  • Auffrischung nach 2 Jahre 399,00 €
  • Auffrischung nach 3 Jahre 499,00 €
  • Lipligth Aufpreis 158,00 €

Worthwhile investment

The permanent make-up method with Long-Time-Liner® also yields outstanding results when it comes to cosmetically concealing deformities resulting from accidents (burns and scars).

And for individuals with sparse hair it can be a viable alternative to a toupee or expensive hair transplantation. This method is just as suitable for filling sparse areas of a beard. Get more information about the pigmentation method’s medical applications here.

Long-Time-Liner® Permanent make-up by Venus & Apoll is a worthwhile investment for your appearance. Contact us and schedule an appointment for non-binding and free suggestions for design placement. This naturally also entails a thorough consultation so that we can jointly and perfectly realize your permanent make-up ideas.

If you already have permanent make-up and are not satisfied with it, please find out more about our permanent make-up correction offer here.

We are looking forward to your visit!

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