Permanent hair removal with Diode Laser
The desire for flawless, smooth skin, free of unwanted hair and stubble isn’t something that rises from the contemporary Zeitgeist. Countless art treasures that showcase our cultural heritage in museums all over the world prove that the vision of a smooth, hairless body was an ideal towards which we strove already during antiquity.
Just like today, where most women want silky smooth skin. And more and more men have also taken to the idea of being able to flaunt their well-defined muscles, as Hercules did, undisturbed by hair and stubble, to the caressing glances of admirers.
Oh no, not again..!
Women and men alike are well familiar with the problem of excess hair in the wrong places. The time-consuming, pesky business of liberating oneself of unwanted hair is something that has been passed down to us from ancient times. Frequent shaving or temporary depilation is unpleasant and takes a lot of our time. On top of this, it can lead to irritated skin, not to mention the costs involved over the course of decades when using conventional hair removal methods.
And wouldn’t it be nice to be spared the sight of re-growing hair? And to be spared the regular – and equally annoying – hair removal rituals that are so inconvenient? Imagine being able to link up with a date without having to conduct a “stubble check” beforehand?

From 45€
Explore pricesLaser technology

With a laser system, we at Venus & Apoll in Berlin-Kreuzberg are now providing a way of realizing this ideal even faster, more effectively and safely. Today, the desire for an attractive appearance and skin that appears painted can come true even without unpleasant rituals. With a newly developed high-performance laser system, which Thanks to an enlarged treatment head and extremely powerful cooling technology, we can now achieve this goal more quickly and conveniently than ever before.
The laser system used by Venus & Apoll is based on a further developed form of the diode laser. While earlier laser systems, in contrast to IPL, had the disadvantage that the treatment took considerably longer due to the smaller treatment head, new devices combine the advantages of IPL and laser technology in one: On the one hand, the more energetic beam of the laser creates a more lasting result, on the other hand, it works Diode laser even where IPL couldn’t – especially in people with particularly light skin (and light hair) and those with very dark skin.
The innovative laser system used at V&A Laser Berlin also offers numerous options for adapting the treatment parameters to your individual requirements – your skin will thank you.
Competence Center for Epilation
V&A Laser Berlin wants to guide you on your way to silky smooth skin. Our long years of experience in the area of light-based hair removal systems and contemporary, certified Laser instruments make us an ideal partner for permanent hair removal. Highest safety standards and a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere are de rigueur at Venus & Apoll!
V&A Laser Berlin, the competence center for permanent hair removal by Venus & Apoll in Kreuzberg, can realize permanent hair removal for practically any part of the body. Just a few sessions will suffice to make regular shaving a thing of the past. After your treatment at Laser Berlin, your overall sense of well-being will be enhanced: You’ll have wonderfully smooth skin that you can embrace. And you will have this every morning without having to subject yourself to annoying hair removal rituals.
Diode Laser – the solution for men
Many men are familiar with this problem. Even if one’s (head) hair has become sparse, bodily hair tends to increase with age. Depending on your hair and skin type, a man’s body may become increasingly susceptible to excessive hair growth. In extreme cases all the way to hypertrichosis (aka “werewolf syndrome”).
While even a generation ago a hairy chest was considered a nice macho accessory, these days excessive bodily hair no longer contributes to a positive aura. Excessive bodily hair can be reminiscent of animal fur and, when it grows in all directions, it can quickly look scruffy. Increasingly, bodily hair is perceived as bothersome and unattractive by those who have it.
Permanent hair removal has thus become an interesting option for men as well. Generally, the best way to go about it is via an Laser system. V&A Laser Berlin enables you to conveniently shed unwanted hair by means of this innovative technology.
Laser zones
between the brows
upper lip
chest / stomach
shoulders / back
bikini zone
pubic area

More informations?
Contact usPrices hair removal
- Upper lip 45,00 €
- Neck 59,00 €
- Cheeks 65,00 €
- Chin 59,00 €
- Stomach 119,00 €
- Chest 119,00 €
- Chest/Stomach 89,00 €
- Back/Shoulders 139,00 €
- Arm pits 83,00 €
- Arms complete 149,00 €
- Forearms 119,00 €
- Legs Complete 259,00 €
- 1/2 Beine Paar 169,00 €
- Buttocks 99,00 €
- Bikini zone 99,00 €
- Intim zone 199,00 €
- Full Body 799,00 €
- All hair removal in package 5 pay + 1 free €
Laser's operating principle
With the latest diode laser technology, it is possible to remove many hairs at the same time using the laser beam. The working principle of the laser is basically the same as with IPL, namely the so-called “thermolysis”. Here, the bundled light is guided over the hair to its roots, where it is absorbed by the pigment melanin. The thermal reaction initiated by this then causes the hair follicle to die off.
While conventional laser systems had to treat each hair individually, modern high-performance systems, such as those used by Venus & Apoll, allow even faster treatment than with IPL. In addition, the light of the diode laser allows permanent hair removal even where the IPL has previously failed – with very light and very dark skin. Depending on the position and texture of your hair, you can achieve the desired goal of velvety smooth skin in just a few sessions.
Information for tattoo wearers
More and more customers with tattoos also opt for permanent hair removal. Color under smooth, silky skin – a vision of modern femininity. Yes, you can have it both! However, the order is decisive. Your first stop should be a hair removal appointment at V&A Laser Berlin. Just four weeks after your last Laser treatment your skin will be ready for “further perfecting” at the tattoo studio.
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