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Venus & Apoll
Facial treatments

That’s why immaculate and relaxed facial skin is essential for creating a positive aura.

Sympathy or antipathy is decided within milliseconds of an encounter and these decisions have a lot of influence on one’s private and professional life. Psychologists know that most of the information upon which this decision is based is drawn from the face.

What’s decisive, however, is not the aesthetic effect alone. A positive aura arises from a harmonious balance between the inside and the outside. This is what gives a beautiful appearance its duration and structure – without it the beauty would only be fleeting. Holistic treatment concepts are based on care cosmetics and decorative cosmetics in equal measure, and this applies particularly to the facial treatment offered by Venus & Apoll in Berlin Kreuzberg.

For facial treatments aimed at anti-aging this then also gives rise to a broadened perspective:

Anti-aging in fact is not so much about stopping the march of time. Instead, it embodies the quest to reconcile and harmonize the demands of the environment with our own personal assets – or genetic make-up. The objective is to prevent these physical assets from prematurely succumbing to wear and tear. This is the ultimate purpose of anti-aging therapies.

When it comes to facial treatments at Venus & Apoll, we guide our customers very carefully in selecting the most appropriate treatments and products for their needs. And for us, a relaxed and aesthetically invigorating atmosphere is an essential part of a long-lasting and effective facial treatment.

From 65€

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Our Lines

Classics, MBR & special facials

Line A

Venus & Apoll Classics

Line B

MBR Treatments

Line C


Above all, we only use products and technologies that we have ourselves determined to be superior compared to alternative products.

Not least because we also use these products.

For our Classic Line of facial treatments, we put our trust in the products of Dr. Schrammek, a renowned specialist for natural and organic cosmetics.

Yet superior and even more effective is the MBS product range. In our estimation this is the benchmark when it comes to the premium cosmetic sector

Prices - Facial treatments

  • Gesichtbehandlung Basic 62,00 €
  • Gesichtbehandlung Basic Plus mit Massage 82,00 €
  • Dr. Schrammek Sensitiv 82,00 €
  • Akne Clearing 62,00 €
  • IPL Akne Therapie (25 Minuten) 99,00 €
MBR Treatments
  • MBR Acne Treatment 88,00 €
  • MBR Sensitiv 88,00 €
  • MBR Anti Aging 122,00 €
  • MBR CytoLine 185,00 €
MBR Special Treatments
  • Hydra Reinigung zur Behandlung 25,00 €
  • Sauerstoff Treatment zur Behandlung 19,00 €
  • Hochfrequenz Therapie bei Herpes, Akne oder Rosacea 15,00 €
  • Hals Dekolleté Zusatz Behandlung 39,00 €
  • Augen Lifting Zusatzbehandlung 25,00 €

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