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Venus & Apoll

AquaFacial treatment

AquaFacial, also called HydraFacial* elsewhere, is the new high-flyer among beauty treatments. Internationally, however, this technology has been successful for some time, initially in beauty clinics, especially in Scandinavia and above all in the USA, where stars like Madonna and Beyonce openly acknowledge it.

Why Aquafacial?

The reason for this rapid triumph is quickly mentioned: AquaFacial stands for maximum results with minimum stress on the skin and organism. In the field of device-based cosmetics, there is currently little that can be compared if immediate visibility is to be achieved.

What results can I expect?

A noticeable effect can be seen immediately after the treatment. The skin appears visibly rejuvenated, gray smoker’s skin is lightened, the complexion appears more radiant, the skin overall more elastic and firmer because it is sustainably moisturized. Even pigment spots are significantly lightened due to the accelerated skin renewal triggered by the AquaFacial technology. Even weeks later you will be happy about a velvety, radiantly beautiful skin.

How does aquafacial work?

The actual core of the treatment is a hydradermabrasion procedure. A further development of microdermabrasion. A cleverly designed treatment head uses a vacuum to create an eddy current that sucks off all remaining skin impurities down to the pores and at the same time supplies the skin with moisture and care substances. The combination results in a very fine peeling, which frees the skin from all unnecessary ballast and prepares it for subsequent lasting moisture penetration.

Who is Aquafacial suitable for?

This is exactly where another advantage of the treatment becomes apparent: Due to its individual and modular treatment options, AquaFacial treatments are suitable for almost every skin type. Contraindications only exist in a few special cases, such as acute diseases of the skin areas to be treated or pregnancy. At Venus & Apoll, we also work with a therapy system that offers a variety of additional therapy options following the deep cleansing.

How exactly does an AquaFacial treatment work? 

The exact procedure depends of course on your individual wishes and the needs of your skin. After we have analyzed your skin with a special program of our AquaFacial system, the following 5 steps form the standard for all treatment programs:

1. Mild cleansing

In the first treatment step, we remove the day make-up with the help of a mild cleansing milk.

2. Peeling

In the second step, an enzymatic peeling will loosen dead skin particles, preparing for the next treatment step.

3. Ultrasound

In this third step of the AquaFacial treatment at Venus & Apoll in Berlin, a special treatment head, the so-called “Shovel Knife” with ultrasound technology, ensures that the loosened main articles are removed.

4. Down to the pores

The fourth step is the actual AquaFacial treatment. The skin, which has been thoroughly pre-treated up to this point, is now literally cleaned “down to the pores”. A combination of water jets and vacuum technology is used, which clears even deep-seated impurities and stubbornly clogged pores and frees the skin from the last residues of sebum.

5. Supplying essential nutrients and moisture

The fifth step is about supplying the pore-deep cleansed skin with essential nutrients and moisture. This is done with a treatment head that introduces the valuable serums into the skin with ultrasound, so that they are deeply nourished.

6. Ergebnis

You can already look forward to radiant, velvety soft skin and a fresh complexion. Depending on your personal needs and wishes, further treatments can be added to this. This is recommended above all because the skin is now particularly receptive due to the previous treatment, which significantly increases its potential for action.

Upgrades to AquaFacial treatment

Possible additions are conceivable in the form of heat treatments for further detoxification, or cold treatments, which provide the skin with water and seal it to a certain extent.The combination with a subsequent radio frequency treatment, in which the collagen in the skin is stimulated to regenerate, is also highly recommended. This very high-quality anti-aging treatment has an immediate rejuvenating effect. Above all, radiofrequency therapy leads to the formation of new collagen in the long term, so that the treatment has an after-effect of up to 18 months.

The AquaFacial treatment packages

The treatment packages with the AquaFacial technology have a modular structure. Basically, we offer the following lines, which can also be individually modified and supplemented:

V&A Aqua-Facial Basic

Cleansing, enzymatic peeling, shovel knife, aqua facial and ultrasonic skin nourishing, day care……

V&A Aqua-Facial 

Cleansing, enzymatic peeling, shovel knife, aqua facial and ultrasonic skin nourishing, care mask, day care……

V&A Aqua-Facial + RF-Anti-Aging

Cleansing, enzymatic peeling, shovel knife, aqua facial and ultrasonic skin nourishing, radio frequency therapy, cold/heat therapy (depending on skin type), mask depending on skin type, massage, day care…

Venus&Apoll Aqua-Facial Medical+

Cleansing, enzymatic peeling, shovel knife, aqua facial, ultrasound skin nourishing, cold or heat therapy, med. Collagen, alginate mask + cold plasma treatment, day care



*The term Hydrafacial is protected by trademark law and may only be used for treatments with devices licensed for this purpose. In the meantime, however, there are also equivalent devices from other manufacturers which also use the hydradermabrasion process. Such a device is used at Venus & Apoll in Berlin, which is why we call our treatments AquaFacials.

Prices - Aqua-Facial (60 minutes)

V&A Aqua-Facial Basic
  • Reinigung, enzymatisches Peeling, Shovel Knife, Aqua-Facial und Ultraschall-Skin-Nourishing, Tagespflege…… 85 €
V&A Aqua-Facial
  • Reinigung, enzymatisches Peeling, Shovel Knife, Aqua-Facial und Ultraschall-Skin-Nourishing, Pflege-Maske, Tagespflege…… 99 €
V&A Aqua-Facial+
  • RF-Anti-Aging Reinigung, enzymatisches Peeling, Shovel Knife, Aqua-Facial und Ultraschall-Skin-Nourishing, Radiofrequenztherapie, Kälte/- Wärmetherapie (nach Hauttyp), Maske nach Hauttyp, Massage, Tagespflege……
Venus&Apoll Aqua-Facial Medical+
  • Reinigung, enzymatisches Peeling, Shovel-Knife, Aqua-Facial, Ultraschall-Skin-Nourishing, Kälte- oder Wärmetherapie, med. Collagen, Alginat-Maske + Kaltplasma-Treatment, Tagespflege 139 €

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