The gentle lash extension revolution!
Anyone desiring longer lashes in the past had to settle for compromises and discomfort. Superior Lashes, a new system for lengthening individual eyelashes, puts an end to this. Beginning right now, you can get the eyelashes you’ve been dreaming of at Venus & Apoll – comfortably and safely.
A Natural Look – Lash for Lash
Superior Lashes eyelash extensions are individual synthetic fibers that are attached to natural eyelashes by means of a specialized adhesive. This delicate technique ensures a very natural look. No one will see that you have “cheated”.
Ideal for Daily Wear
The individual eyelash extensions hold perfectly because the lashes are essentially one‘s own. You can carry on with your daily activities without endangering the durability of your lash extensions. During the course of the natural growth cycle of the lashes, it will occasionally become necessary to remove the extensions from lashes that have grown too long and to apply new extensions to newly grown eyelashes. You can wear your Superior Lashes permanently without damaging your natural lashes.

Put your trust in our expertise and extensive experience.
Prices - Lash extensions
Individual lash extension
- Nature 80 hairs 100,00 €
- Celebrity 150 hairs 150,00 €
- Catwalk 230,00 €
- Extras - colored hairs from 20,00 €

Perfect Styling for Your Eyes
The treatment is completely painless and up to 140 lash extensions can be applied within two hours. Superior Lashes are applied in various lengths. The lashes are not only lengthened, indeed, we also take into account the shape of your eyes and endeavor to bring out their very best! Treatment is carried out as you relax on a comfortable cot with your eyes closed.

Certified Lash Stylists
The correct attaching of individual lash extension is filigree work. It requires strict adherence to some important fundamentals to achieve a durable and natural looking result without risking damage to one’s own lashes.
As certified Superior Lashes professionals, we have received extensive training and passed an examination conducted by highly experienced specialists. Don’t take risks. Put your trust in the skills of our certified experts.

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