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About us

…or why good cosmetics enhance sovereignty!

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

As little as 150 years ago, mirrors were mysterious objects in the hands of just a few privileged individuals. Even in these parts, mirrors weren’t widely available before the mid-20th century. Since this time, looking at our reflection in the mirror has become a popular pastime. And photography has not only enabled the documentation of private life but has also led to a continuous stream of pictures featuring perfect looking people.

And even this was just a prelude to the kaleidoscope of vanities created by the social media. The importance of beauty, physical appeal, and the way we relate to it, has been given an enormous boost through the profusion of pictures.

Never before have people been as beautiful as they are today. Never before have they taken such pleasure in their physical appearance. But one’s mirror image is, at the same time, something that gives rise to major insecurities and makes us feel like we are being subjected to external influences and the will of others.

“But what is good, Phaidros, and what – is this something that we must ask others first?” Socrates

We at Venus & Apoll believe that just offering first-rate craftsmanship, innovative technologies and high-quality products is not enough for a good cosmetics studio. First and foremost, we see it as our duty – in an age of continual mirroring – to give our customers the necessary orientation and confidence.

That’s why we reinforce our customers in sensing and realizing their own aesthetic. Contemporary cosmetics can shore up the sovereignty of our customers and help them find an authentic style. Our job is done when you leave our studio a little bit happier with yourself and more connected to yourself.

Cosmetics, recovery and health

We set great store in a relaxed, communicative and aesthetically-inspiring atmosphere. Venus & Apoll should not be a place where you are only provided with a service; it should also be a place where you feel protected from the demands and expectations of daily life. We offer a refuge where you can regenerate both physically and mentally.

Located in the heart of Berlin, our studio in Kreuzberg is an oasis of calm and relaxation within a multi-cultural, urbane environment that is in a continual process of reinvention. Directly in front of Viktoriapark, between Bergmannstrasse and the Yorck-bridges . A visit to our cosmetic studio will give you a relaxing time-out for your body and spirit.

We are deeply convinced that there is an internal relationship between good cosmetic results and health.

Classic beauty & Anti-Aging

It is from this perspective that we also tap into a contemporary and more conscious understanding of anti-aging. Beauty is not limited to an attractive appearance; beauty is based on a harmonious balance between the inside and the outside. Anti-aging is thus not a desperate attempt to stop the march of time. Two diverging principles are at the center of the anti-aging therapies we offer.

On the one hand, we want to restore your skin’s balance by means of cosmetic skincare methods. This is critical to giving beauty its durability and structure. Without a good skin balance, beauty is only fleeting. On the other hand, modern treatment methods help to align one’s physical appearance to one’s inner sense of vitality and youthfulness.

Genuine beauty is always just the quintessence of good taste, spirit and lifestyle rather than a substitute for it.

Venus – the goddess of beauty and Apollo, who symbolizes order
and clarity in Roman mythology, are the sources of inspiration
for our work. In spite of all the contradictions, we believe in the
intrinsic value of aesthetic beauty of own origin. At the same time,
we make use of all we have to offer in terms of professionalism to
emulate this ideal with the help of very best products and the most
modern technologies available.

Expertise and responsibility

25 years of experience

At Venus & Apoll, we entrust our customers exclusively to very well-trained staff. Having run cosmetic studios for over 25 years now, I am always intent on keeping abreast of state-of-the-art technological developments and subsequently deploying the ones that offer the greatest promise in terms of real progress for the cosmetic treatments offered.

That’s because we are highly professional and offer top echelon services with the best products available on the market. This is something you can always count on!

We use exclusively products and techniques whose superior effectiveness, compared to alternative products, we are convinced of.

Expertise and our responsibility vis-à-vis customers are two sides of the same coin.

Ilona Creutzburg

Expertise and

Embracing the superior standard described above, we have focused on a core area encompassing 3 cluster in which we have developed outstanding expertise. And, of course, we also offer an exquisite selection of services in the decorative cosmetics sector:

& Anti-Aging

Our mainstay is Skincare & Anti-Aging – the classic area of care cosmetics. In addition to facial treatments, manicures/pedicures, this also includes medi-cosmetic services such as AquaFacial and cutting edge anti-aging technologies. We offer both instrument-based treatments as well as invasive cosmetic treatments where we cooperate with a medically-certified specialist.

Permanent Make-ups

Another key focus at Venus & Apoll is Long-Time-Liner® Permanent Make-ups and we have over 25 years of experience in applying it. Venus & Apoll, thus, is among a small circle of Long Time Liner’sElite Top Partner Studios’. We guarantee highest quality and perfect results.

Hair removal

Furthermore, we are specialized in temporary or permanents hair removal with long years of experience in the state-of-the-art when it comes to techniques and treatment methods. In addition to waxing & sugaring, we not only offer permanent hair removal with a state-of-the-art diode laser, but also the needle epilation method.

“Of all the super-celestial perfections, beauty is the
only one with an earthly manifestation”

Of course we delight in perfecting your appearance and making you look more beautiful. Care cosmetics are the foundation for achieving aesthetic expression and long-lasting results.

We can draw on our vast artistic repertoire when you need a make-over or ‘upgrade’ for a special moment, or when you simply feel like looking sensational. And rest assured – you are in the best of hands at Venus & Apoll!

In the end, our cosmetic services serve to reflect your personal lifestyle in everyday life.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Your Venus & Apoll team

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